Nurse's Office
Shelly Nickell, RN, BSN - Nurse
Hello! This is my 10th year as the Davis Intermediate School Nurse. I graduated with my BSN from the College of ST. Teresa in Winona, Minnesota in 1984. Since then, I have worked in several major university hospitals, in various specialties, throughout the country.
I met my husband in Houston and we were married in 1995. We spent 10 years in South Florida and returned to Wylie, Texas in 2006. After staying home with my 4 children for several years, I became a substitute nurse in WISD in 2011. In 2013, I took a full-time position at Davis. All 4 of our children have graduated from WHS.
I Love my job and the staff that I am blessed to work with! We all work as a team and our top priority is the safety and well-being of our students, their families and our staff. I look forward, every day, to seeing the kids and their smiles and excitement! Some, I will see more frequently than others, and that’s OK! 😊 I love them all!
Health Screenings are part of my job and they are state mandated. All 5th graders will have Vision, Hearing, Acanthosis Nigricans screenings, and height and weight done. All 5th grade girls will have scoliosis screens as well. If you take your child for a well-child visit, you can ask your doctor to do these and send me a note with results and they won’t need to be done at school. Screenings will begin around the 2nd week of school and will continue through the fall until all are completed. You will be notified if your child does not pass these screenings and require follow-up with your doctor.
*** Any time your child gets vaccinations, please send me a copy of the record of administration so that I can enter it into their skyward account. Their next required vaccines will be for 7th grade, but you will probably receive them at your student’s 11 y/o check-up. Sending me a record as soon as you receive the shots will help keep their vaccine record in Skyward up-to-date and prevent any delays when moving to 7th grade.
*** Medications are not to be carried by students unless I have received a note from their doctor giving permission. Examples of this would be, inhalers, tums, cold meds, and possibly others. No prescription meds are allowed to be carried on their person. Medication policies and All medical forms are on this website.
***Over the counter meds can be given at school with a parent signature, for 5 school days. If your child has a need to have ibuprofen, tylenol, cold medicine, allergy meds, etc. at school for longer periods of time, or for the entire year, consult with your pediatrician and request that order from them. If you have any specific questions for me regarding anything else not mentioned, please contact me.
***All medications must be in a new bottle and it must not be expired. Prescription bottles must be appropriately labeled from the pharmacy with the correct dose, name and doctor.
I am here for you, your family, and your student. If you ever have questions or concerns, or if there is ever anything I can assist you with, please feel free to reach out to me. I will do my best to help in whatever way I can.
Thank you so much!
We are going to have a great year!
Shelly Nickell, RN, BSN
Davis Intermediate Nurse